
Hello! My name is Agnė (stage name - Enga) and I love dancing. For the longest time it was my hobby: I was running to belly dance classes after school, university and work. I occasionally tried other dance styles, even convinced my partner to dance tango with me (and we stuck to it for a whole year), but nothing managed to really steal my heart. However, the autumn of 2017 was special to me because I found the courage to try pole dance in a cosy studio in Copenhagen, Denmark. And that's it, I got bewitched - I could not stop rubbing my bare skin onto a pole. Don't ge me wrong, it was never an easy hobby to maintain: my first studio got closed down, I could not find a new suitable one for some time, I was (still am) the sweatiest girl in the class and etc. Still, the passion was there and even after moving back to Lithuania I continued to train hard, gathered the courage to offer my services as an instructor and, finally, quit my office job in 2022 to dance full time.
Moral of the story is that I really love what I do and I would love to share this with anyone who is willing!